Commitment to Sustainability

Committed to sustainability, Synergia works to generate positive social and environmental impacts, bringing together its efforts aimed at sustainable development with those of governments, companies, society, and the academic community.

We understand sustainable development as defined by the Bruntland Report, published in 1987 by the UN: “development capable of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability to meet the needs of future generations”.

In our vision of development, companies must necessarily make their business engines for promoting social and environmental, racial, and gender justice, eradicating poverty, defending human rights, decent work, environmental protection, climate balance, conservation of biodiversity, and the sustainable use of natural resources.

Knowing the importance of valuing social and environmental resources, Synergia increasingly operates in the repair economy market, which addresses the value of resources that are not usually priced, proposing the recognition – in a calculated way – of the value of the environment, people, and the relationships between these elements for productive systems.

The purpose of this new economic trend is to prevent natural goods from being consumed to the point of deprivation, as well as to ensure that ecosystemic social actions are promoted and valued before humanity faces environmental degradation with no return.

Synergia has the competence to measure and create social and environmental impacts in value chains and in the implementation of its clients’ projects, also working with solutions for repairing and regenerating biodiversity.

At Instituto Ethos since 2018, we have contributed to the Working Groups (GT) on Human Rights, Integrity, and the Environment. We also participate in the initiative A Concert for the Amazon and the Sustainable Amazon Forum.


Sustainability Report

Synergia Socioambiental is committed to developing robust and transparent management practices. To this end, the company seeks to foster business growth while adhering to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, showcasing these practices in its Sustainability Report. The document also emphasizes the company’s commitment to generating shared value through continuous engagement with its stakeholders and the development of initiatives aligned with the universal principles of the Global Compact – a movement to which the company is a signatory – and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Producing a Sustainability Report is the first step in addressing internal and external socio-environmental and governance challenges, aiming to mitigate negative impacts and identify opportunities that promote genuine transformations towards more sustainable practices, thus contributing to the establishment of a more inclusive and regenerative economy.

Synergia’s Sustainability Report, containing data for the year 2023, can be accessed by clicking here.

Global Compact

Understanding its role in the market, in October 2021, Synergia joined the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, a voluntary initiative based on commitments made by CEOs to implement the universal principles of sustainability and support compliance with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Agenda 2030.

The Global Compact’s mission is to support companies in aligning their strategies and operations with the initiative’s 10 principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment, and Anti-Corruption.

Among the commitments made based on the SDGs, the main one is to maintain gender equality throughout the Synergia team, which was achieved in early 2022. The racial issue was also incorporated, in order to reach 50% of management positions and 25% of senior management positions occupied by self-declared black and brown people by 2030.

In addition, Synergia included in its action plan the SDGs related to:

  • Poverty Eradication (SDG 1);
  • Quality education (SDG 4);
  • Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8);
  • Reduction of inequality (SDG 10);
  • Peace, justice and effective institutions (SDG 16).

Although not listed, SDGs such as Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6) and Action against Climate Change (SDG 13) are part of Synergia’s actions and projects directly related to the issue of water sustainability and environmental education.

Ethos Institute

An associate of the Ethos Institute for over 10 years, Synergia is part of the Working Groups (GT) on Human Rights, Integrity, and the Environment, in partnership with other associated companies.

The Ethos Institute has the purpose of mobilizing and helping companies to manage their businesses with social responsibility, making them allies in the development of a society that is more just and committed to sustainability. An opportunity for companies to build, alongside the government and civil society, a social responsibility agenda.

The working groups, carried out by Ethos, are spaces for exchanging experiences, guidelines, and the collective production of materials and guides that direct decision-making and the improvement of business practices, in addition to fostering corporate social responsibility.

Coverage and participation in UN’s COP – Conference of the Parties

In 2021 and 2022, Synergia was present at COP26 and COP27United Nations Climate Change Conference, the main global event on the subject.

Also in 2021, Synergia participated, as a signatory company, in the launch of the climate commitments letter “Proposal and business recommendations for the Brazilian NDC”, presented by the Ethos Institute during COP26.

In both editions, Synergia had representatives who followed the event in person, sharing key information, relevant events, and daily discussions, in addition to producing analyzes on the main topics of the conference.

The main climate issues are discussed at the COP, such as the negotiation and approval of instruments to accelerate and deepen commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to being the moment for governments and companies to assume goals in favor of the climate and mechanisms to reduce its social and environmental impacts.

We’re all on the same side.

We’re all transformational agents. We’re Synergia.

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