
Conserved area – an Amazon that resists – Volume 3 of the Brazilian Amazon Series addresses the forest and conserved areas from the perspective of the different peoples who inhabit and transform the territory.

Posted in: 06/05/2022

olume Área Conservada released by the Centro de Estudos Synergia , is now available for download.  

Click on the banner and download Vol.3 of the Brazilian Amazon Series!

Seeking to deepen the understanding of the different Amazons, the different territorialities of the conserved Amazon were observed, such as indigenous lands, quilombolas, conservation units and non-allocated public areas. The intrinsically socio-environmental character of the Amazonian territory was also debated, where society and nature are interconnected in a historical process of construction of space.  

Thus, when talking about the conserved Amazon, attention is called to the need to reveal the perspectives of the people who historically inhabit it, since the construction of a vision of a sustainable future for the Amazon must necessarily include the narratives of those who, together with the forests, they form the complex Amazonian territory.  

Volume 3 of the series covers:  

  • conserved amazon 
  • Territorialities of the conserved Amazon: Conservation Units, Indigenous Lands, Quilombola Areas and Non-Dedicated Public Areas 
  • Forest ecosystem services 
  • Voices from the Amazon 

How to keep the forest standing? How to enable access to decent living conditions for a population of more than 30 million inhabitants? How to develop the territory without compromising carbon stocks and the vast biological and cultural diversity of the Amazon, necessary to guarantee the planet’s environmental conditions? 

In order to build answers to these key questions of our historical moment, we believe it is necessary to include the perspective of the Amazonian peoples in the construction of a vision of the future with sustainability, in search of possible development alternatives that adhere to the reality and vocations of the Amazon. Because we already know that a development that does not keep the forest standing, its people and its biological diversity, is not a possible development.  

Thus, in order to complement and enrich this volume from the perspective of the different Amazonian peoples and actors, the section “Voices from the Amazon” brings texts by the indigenous Tambura Amondawa and Ma´i Tenetehara , the first from the Uru-eu-Wau Indigenous Land -Wau, in Rondônia, and the second in the Arariboia Indigenous Land , in Maranhão, sharing the situation of their territories in the Amazon. There is also a text by Douglas Senna, quilombola leader in the Arapucu territory , in Óbidos, state of Pará, and by the professor atUniversity of Brasília Carlos Alexandre P. Barbosa , both telling historical and current aspects of quilombos in the Amazon. Finally, the text by a group of researchers from the Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPÊ) , under the leadership of Ângela P enin , reporting on the realities and challenges of Conservation Units in the Amazon. 


Don’t be left out! Download Volume 3 of the Brazilian Amazon Series now | Conserved area!  


Check out the complete news about the release of the first and second volumes of the series: 

Brazilian Amazon Series: everything you need to know to understand the importance of the territory for Brazil and the world   

Current Amazon socio-environmental framework: Volume 2 of the Brazilian Amazon Series addresses the formation of territorial dynamics 


Download Volume 1 | Panorama 2021: challenges and future vision for the region 

Download Volume 2 | Territories: Consolidated occupation and deforestation arc 

Download Volume 3 | Territories: Conserved area 

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